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Star Trek Into Darkness: Cumberbatch is Khan

'Star Trek: Into Darkness' movie poster.
‘Star Trek: Into Darkness’ movie poster.
Screw all the secrecy and coyness. This was NOT a secret worth keeping.

John Harrison IS Khan. And he’s not a very good Khan. Which is not to say that Cumberbatch did a bad job with the character. It’s just that he was given such boring material to work with.

We wait all these years for this crappy movie? Come on, J.J. Abrams — if you’re going to rehash old stories “because we’re in a different timeline” then at least give us some logic and meaningful twists on the old stories.

This movie was mostly boring. Yes, there were laughs scattered throughout and all the actors are very good at what they do. But the story just lacked any real meaning or motivation.

Star Trek is supposed to ask serious questions and pose “what if” scenarios that are at least metaphorically plausible. This story just plays “what can we change up from what everyone knows?”

Kirk didn’t even start up a relationship with Carol Marcus. She’s just there … to be there. Big deal.

Frankly, it’s not worth writing a serious review. Sure, go see the movie because it has spaceships and explosions but don’t go expecting to see Star Trek. A friend of mine told me earlier today that the studio was just making a fan fiction movie.

Yup. That’s what we got.

One thought on “Star Trek Into Darkness: Cumberbatch is Khan

  1. Agreed–the presence of Carol Marcus was gratuitous–especially her in her underwear. Pleeeze.

    I do think the rendering of the characters was very good bringing back fond memories of the original series. The interactions bespoke the true Roddenbery originals.

    Agreed–the Khan character needed better motivation than to awake his sleeping compadres (again) And why not cast a Hispanic? Does Khan change into a Brit in alternate timeline? (Much as I adore the Brits) Why?

    Had to laugh at the automatic seat belts. It took an entirely new timeline to figure that one out. Awe…no more being thrown about the cabin? Where’s the fun in that?

    If this were truly a fan fic movie it would have had better twists—deeper motivations and better set up for (presumably) future episodes.

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