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Hobbitses and Trailers and Speculations, My Precious!

So you have no doubt seen the latest version of the official trailer for “The Hobbit”. Although TheOneRing.Net documented a few differences between the first trailer and the ComicCon 2012 trailer there are actually several others, the most significant (in my opinion) being that they extended the soundtrack for the Dwarves’ song (which had better win an Academy Award because, frankly, I think it’s absolutely magical even in its abbreviated form) to the end of the trailer.

Here are both the trailers, older one first. And I offer my official speculation below on where I think the first movie will end.

First Official Trailer for “The Hobbit”

Second Official Trailer for “The Hobbit”, Version 1.1

Official Michael Martinez Speculation on Where the Hobbit Part 1 Ends

Both trailers conclude with Bilbo’s meeting with Gollum. I think the Gollum chapter actually makes a good stopping point. The movie can end either with Bilbo just meeting Gollum or with him just getting through the Goblin-gate. The audience should be sufficiently creeped out by the encounter such that leaving the story at that point will create an emotional desire to see what comes next.

We see nothing of Beorn in this trailer. Except for one shot of a Dwarf (Gloin) covered in cobwebs and Galadriel stroking Gandalf’s hair, it seems all the shots in the trailers occur prior to Gandalf’s separation from the Dwarves. There is a shot of Bombur breaking a chair on a porch. That might happen in Beorn’s house.

So, even though I think the Gollum scene is probably near the end of the first film, I’ll grant you that leaving off with the Dwarves entering Mirkwood would be another dramatic stopping point — although I think concluding with Gollum would be more effective.

Other Stuff I could swear I saw something online recently which showed stone giants tossing rocks in a storm. I’ve looked at so many videos lately I can’t keep them sorted. Was that from Peter Jackson’s video blog?

Here is a list of the key scenes I think we can expect to see in the first “Hobbit” movie:

  1. Bilbo’s introduction with Frodo (probably very short)
  2. Gandalf’s visit with Bilbo outside Bag End
  3. The Long-expected Party (which should be fairly long
  4. Bilbo’s catching up with the Dwarves
  5. The journey across Eriador
  6. The encounter with the trolls
  7. Bilbo finding and naming Sting
  8. The visit to Elrond’s house at Rivendell (which looks like it could be long)
  9. The trip through the Misty Mountains (including the stone giants)
  10. The encounter with the Goblins (which should be fairly long)
  11. The encounter with Gollum (which should be fairly long)

There are three perilous adventures in this outline. That seems a pretty full list for a 2-hour movie, but I could easily be wrong — I realize that. They could stage a scene in Bree but I cannot think of any cinematic story-telling reason to do so.

Other scenes that could be added to the movie might include:

  • The rescue by the Great Eagles (but has there even been a hint of production on this so far?)
  • The journey to Beorn’s house
  • The encounter with Beorn (which should be fairly long)
  • The journey to the edge of Mirkwood
  • Gandalf’s departure from the Dwarves
  • Gandalf’s arrival in Lothlorien (or Rhosgobel)

I really don’t believe any of these scenes would be good ending points for a movie. But that is Peter Jackson’s decision to make, not mine.

Michael’s Official FIRST Speculations on What Would Be Included in the Second Movie

So, assuming the first “Hobbit” movie ends either with the Gollum encounter or Beorn’s house, the second movie could include:

  1. The journey through Mirkwood until the encounter with the spiders
  2. Bilbo’s fight with the spiders
  3. The Dwarves’ attempts to contact the Elves
  4. The Elves capturing the Dwarves
  5. Bilbo slipping into Thranduil’s halls and exploring them
  6. Fili’s relaitionship with Tauriel
  7. Bilbo’s helping the Dwarves to escape from the Elves
  8. The travel through the forest river to Lake-town
  9. The meeting of the White Council
  10. The Dwarves’ arrival at Lake-town
  11. The Dwarves’ stay at Lake-town
  12. The White Council’s attack on Dol Guldur
  13. The Dwarves’ journey to Dale and Erebor
  14. The Dwarves exploring Erebor and finding the Secret Door
  15. Gandalf’s departure from the White Council
  16. Bilbo’s exploration of Erebor
  17. Bilbo’s encounter with Smaug
  18. Smaug’s exit from the mountain

There is, I think, plenty of room in these events for character development and dramatic progression. So a second movie could end either with Smaug’s departure from Erebor or his attack on Lake-town. Personally, I’d rather save the attack on Lake-town for the opening of the third film.

Michael’s Official FIRST Speculations on What Would Be Included in the Third Movie

Assuming I have not been too wrong thus far (and, frankly, the odds of my being right decrease with each film), here is what I think could be included in the third movie:

  1. The assault on Lake-town and Smaug’s death
  2. The Lake-town people’s dismay after the death of the dragon
  3. The Dwarves’ exploration of Erebor after they realize that Smaug is dead
  4. Glimpses of the gathering of Goblin, Wolf, and Bat forces in the north
  5. Thranduil’s march to Erebor
  6. The Elves’ arrival at Lake-town and the forming of the alliance with Bard
  7. Gandalf’s arrival in Lake-town
  8. Thorin’s communicating with Dain and other relatives via the Ravens
  9. The arrival of the Elf+Man army in Dale
  10. The confrontations between Thorin and the Elves and Men
  11. Bilbo’s handing over the Arkenstone to Bard
  12. Thorin’s casting out of Bilbo
  13. The Battle of Five Armies (and maybe the death of Tauriel)
  14. The death of Thorin
  15. Bilbo’s return journey with Gandalf and Beorn
  16. The “aftermath”, including Balin’s visit to the Shire
  17. Perhaps glimpses of young Aragorn’s life and career
  18. Perhaps Bilbo returning to Lake-town and Dale before retiring to Rivendell

So, take all that for what it’s worth. Peter could actually stay pretty close to the original story and simply extend out some of the scenes to fill out three movies. Battle scenes, especially, can take a good chunk of time.